I have organized my projects primarily by scale and topic: Portfolio Projects represent a significant investment of time and are well aligned with my field and my research interests.
My open source contributions are listed seperately in Open Source Contributions.
Portfolio Projects
Gawler Challenge
Geostatistics Vignettes
Exploration Risk Mapping: Extract and integrate knowledge from unstructured and structured data regarding petroleum occurrences. Identify favorable regions for further work, communicate using Play Fairway and Common Risk Segment mapping. This is the topic of my thesis in the Cycle de Formation Spécialisée en Géostatistique (CFSG) program at Mines Paristech.
SEG Facies Classification Challenge: This project is based on a dataset released as part of a contest to predict facies from geophysical well log data. Repository available at the following link. I have also worked on an s-wave prediction task in well logs from the North Sea.
- Lead Free Buffalo: I used open municipal data on lead testing and tax parcels to better predict the incidence of lead contamination in drinking water. I deployed the resulting ML model on Google Cloud Platform and built a web appliction to provide access to the model, geospatial visualizations, and resources for concerned residents. The leadfreebflo application was a podium finisher at the Buffalo Civic Innovation Challenge, and earned recognition from Esri for best use of their geospatial visualization API.
Open Source Contributions
I contribute to:
- dtreeplt: Drawing interactive Decision Trees using matplotlib
- harmonica: Forward modeling, inversion, and processing gravity and magnetic data